A new year promises new possibilities!
The last year was quite successful even so it was a pain in the ass in many ways.I have been on 3 conferences, made a few blog posts, got member at DOAG #NextGen, I initialized the "APEX Dashboard...
View ArticleAPEX IR column only exportable for administrators
A few days ago I tweeted about a solution from Martin Giffy D'Souza to hide a specific column from export.#orclapex IR Hide specific column when exporting to CSV. @martindsouza has the solution...
View ArticleUsing APEX_ERROR to manage custom error messages
Sometimes you just feel like you would be a newbie in coding business applications. Luckily it doesn't happen so often anymore. But this time it hit me hard. :)During an application upgrade on...
View ArticleRun dynamic action from report row and pass multiple variables
Execute a "Dynamic Action" by clicking on a button/link inside a report row is mostly handled by some triggering HTML class.It actually works in 95% of all cases. But it is not the best way to do it....
View ArticleCustomize your Interactive Report with CSS
A lot of you are using jQuery to customize visual parts of an APEX application. I probably to often do so myself but there is a much more elegant way: CSSNowadays you are able to add different kind...
View ArticleAn introduction into the APEX 5.1 Layout View
Many of you are still using the old "Component View" but the "Page Designer" introduced in APEX 5 made the developer life much easier.The top 5 most time saving abilities for me are: 1. Easy access on...
View ArticleInteractive Report Download Button only for a certain Authorization Role
The Interactive Report has this great download feature where you can export everything you can see.Anyway there are circumstances where the customer doesn't want that feature open for everyone.In APEX...
View ArticleJET pie chart in APEX with absolute numbers as data labels
The new APEX pie charts only allows percent values as data labels. Luckily the APEX team added an great example in the "Sample Chart" application which shows how to add custom data labels including...
View ArticleAPEX CONNECT and POUG High Five
Next week the APEX CONNECT 2017 will start. Besides the latest News about Oracle APEX you will have the chance to talk to some of the best developers worldwide.As I mentioned at the beginning of the...
View ArticleDOAG #NextGEN goes POUG
Hallo liebe Oracle Community,die letzten Wochen und Monate waren etwas sehr hektisch, daher hatte ich auch keine Zeit für Blogposts rund um Oracle und APEX. Der Grund lag in meiner Aktivität in der...
View Article#orclapex Europe tour
From Tuesday, the 29. of August until the 02. September, I will meet the best experts around Oracle.But first some background:Last year I was in Sweden and held a presentation at a meetup in Stockholm...
View ArticleThe best Oracle technology week ever - Part 1: Helsinki and Stockholm
You remember my last blogpost describing how my #europeTour would be like:#orclapex Europe tour It was a week with as little sleep as possible. Reasons: - traveling - just was to excited - to much...
View ArticleAfter the party is before the party
Now two months after the #pougtrip everything went back to normal. Except the planning for the next events.The DOAG #NextGEN is currently starting a "roadshow" at German universities. Start is the...
View ArticleDynamic LOV with Pipeline function
A new year brought me some new tasks. I had to take over a generic Excel import and the customer wanted some extension by checking if the join on the master tables were successful.Unfortunate we were...
View ArticleAPEX ist anders. Genau das gleiche gilt auch für die APEX Connect!
Es gibt zwei Dinge die ich in über 10 Jahren im Oracle Umfeld immer und immer wieder höre:1. Die Community wird immer älter.2. APEX ist aus Grund XY schlecht.Was hat die APEX Connect damit zu tun? Die...
View ArticleInteractive Report - Column background color
One of my customers needed an IR where half of the report columns should be visualized in another color.It is really easy to integrate. Go into the report column attributes inside your "Page Designer"...
View ArticleCREATE or COPY master data pages in APEX
In this blog post I just want to give a hint about the positive and negatives effects when you COPY master data pages for different master data tables.Example:You have two tables: DOCUMENT_CATEGORY and...
View ArticleJoin the NextGEN group at APEX Connect 18
The #NextGEN community is planning an after conference evening activity. For that reason we published a German article with all details on doag.org. My dear friend Jonas translated the text via...
View ArticleCheck inside your APEX application if debug mode is enabled
Sounds like a simple task but whenever I have the requirement to add a region and make it conditional to check if APEX is running in debug mode. I always search for half an hour finding the right...
View ArticleWorking with the APEX tree
Out of a coincidence I haven't used the APEX tree region for years. Now I got the task to create a customizable tree in my application. Since APEX 5 there is a new tree type called "APEX tree" which...
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