APEX shuttle item with one direction
In one application I had the requirement to set up a shuttle item to be half readonly. All you should do was to add new values from the left to the right side. You should not be allowed to remove...
View ArticleSQL: Texte mit Umlauten und Sonderzeichen normieren
Im heutigen Beispiel möchte ich einmal kurz aufzeigen, wie Sie einen Text nach Ihren Bedürfnissen hin normieren können. Ich habe dazu die bekanntesten Länder der Erde in einer WITH Clause...
View ArticleAPEX 5 - File Upload Bug
Today I had to suffer on a real APEX 5 bug.When you upload a file the NLS settings in your current APEX session will be set to AMERICAN.I check for issues like that and found a forum post where someone...
View ArticleFragen rund um die APEX Dashboard Competition
In den letzten Tagen wurden mir mehrere Fragen rund um die APEX Dashboard Competition gestellt. Die Fragen und Antworten möchte ich gerne teilen:Frage:In wieweit darf man das Universal Theme verändern?...
View ArticleCREATE an APEX_COLLECTION and SELECT the data via SQL Developer
Maybe this an old hat but a lot of people don't know how to use and analyze APEX_COLLECTION properly. For myself it is a good reminder and saves me about 2 minutes instead of googling around.In this...
View ArticleAdd browser recognition on page inline CSS
Today I will show a code example how you can add browser recognition inside the "Inline CSS" mask of your APEX page.Mehr »
View ArticleThe APEX CONNECT and the APEX dashboard competition 2016
Before I tell you about the APEX dashboard competition winner I want to share my impressions from the APEX CONNECT 2016 in Berlin with you.We had 3 days fully packed with APEX, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL...
View ArticleUsing dynamic tooltips in your Interactive Report
Inside an Interactive Report (IR) I had a comment column. The comments in this column could become really large and the users wanted the comments to be automatically trimmed if more then 60 characters...
View ArticleAPEX Master (Interactive Report) - Detail (Modal Dialog) Form: Conditional...
Since APEX 5 it is much easier to create master-detail pages with modal dialogs. But there is still no declarative way to create a conditional row based column link.This blog post will show you a way...
View ArticleOracle Spatial (Teil 4) - Unterschiedliche Koordinaten Punkte zu einer Linie...
Vor kurzem musste ich Daten aus einer Excel-Liste in das SDO_GEOMETRY Format bringen. Leider hatte die Excelliste einen Haken.Die Anforderungen:- Es musste eine Linie (Typ 2002) im GK3 Format (31467)...
View ArticleReset Interactive Report (IR)
Resetting an Interactive Report (IR) can be done in 4 different ways.User Reset, URL Link, Page Process, Dynamic ActionFirst of allIt is always a good start to set up a specific static report id.1....
View ArticleInteractive Report with a Font Awesome edit icon
Most of you know the default APEX edit icons you can choose from inside your Interactive Report.Basically you use them to link to a detail page.The icon source looks like this.A typical result page.Two...
View ArticleOracle APEX Meetup in Stockholm 16.08.
In my summer holiday, this year in Stockholm (Sweden), I will make a stop and present two APEX topics in the "Stockholm Oracle Meetup group".The topics will be:Working with interactive SVG graphics in...
View ArticleCreating interactive graphics in APEX with Raphaël (RaphaelJS)
Some of you may know of my personal interest for SVG interaction in APEX applications. I have been working with a JavaScript library called "Raphaël" (RaphaelJS, raphael.js or just raphael) for a while...
View ArticleOpen a windows directory from inside your APEX application (IE, Firefox, Chrome)
Back in 2010 I wrote about a solution for IE only: Open Windows directory with APEX (IE only) The request itself appears at least once a year in one of my projects.Nowadays I do not propose the...
View ArticleDOAG 2016 und weitere APEX Events im November
Das größte deutschsprachige Oracle Event des Jahres steht vor der Tür.Die DOAG Konferenz vom 15. bis zum 18.11.2016.Wie schon in den letzten Jahren, bin ich auch dieses Jahr wieder mit dabei.Mein...
View ArticleDOAG 2016 Review
Die diesjährige DOAG war für mich anders als die Jahre zuvor. Dieses Jahr lag mein Fokus weniger auf Vorträgen, sondern mehr auf Community-Aktivitäten und Jugendarbeit.Daher habe ich diverse...
View ArticleTablespaces verkleinern (TEMP, USER_TS, ORA-03297)
InfoDie Select-Statements in diesem Blogpost habe ich von anderen Webseiten kopiert. Daher ist dieser Beitrag eher als Zusammenfassung unterschiedlicher Lösungsversuche zu sehen und dient mir als...
View ArticleSQL Developer: Quick Outline with SQL statements
Most of you probably know the "Quick Outline" function you have inside the SQL Developer.It helps you to easily jump between different functions/procedures inside a package.My colleague Holger told me...
View ArticleSVG in APEX: Best Practices
In the last 8 month I was working on a new version of my SVG (Raphaël) example application. Of course I have a job (freelancer) and I have children. So the time to spend was diminished on only a few...
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