As I mentioned at the beginning of the year "A new year promises new possibilities!" I'm focusing on students and will hold a presentation about "Next Generation - Erreiche die Mitarbeiter von Morgen".
Besides that I'm always willing to help others so if you have questions don't hesitate to talk to me. I will take the time to listen to your APEX related problem and may be able to help you or guide you a way to success. You know the best thing on conferences is to meet new people.
The other real highlights for me are:
1. Meet the Oracle APEX developers in person.
You need some good APEX related advice then talk to them they wont bite you. :) I'm especially looking forward to talk to Joel Kallman.
2. The hidden jewels besides the keynotes
- APEX / JavaScript / UX / SQL / PLSQL Q&A Panel (Wednesday)
- 1:1 Gespräche - Ask the Oracle Experts (Thursday)
3. Deutsche Bahn is looking for you.
If you searching for a new challenge as an APEX developer and/or project manager then talk to the "Small Solutions" team from Deutsche Bahn. They are searching for more experts and have their own stand at APEX CONNECT.
And after that...
I prepare myself for the most community driven Oracle conference on the planet.
The best known DBA's and developers from all over Europe come to present at the event. They pay for themselves just to be there. Why? It's the common passion which they can't get anywhere else in this concentrated form. I'm happy to be there as well and I will hold the only APEX related presentation. All presentations are held in English. Everyone is welcome to join this amazing event!