Enable save button on form change
Today I had the requirement that the save button should stay disabled until a form item changed.After digging around I found a quite easy solution which worked well until now.Save ButtonStatic ID:...
View ArticleCopy and Paste to clipboard
Well I had the requirement to copy the content of a textarea into the clipboard. There are two ways to do that:1. Build a dynamic action with custom Javascript code:Copy Text to ClipboardCode example -...
View ArticleSet APEX application name for Dev, Test and Prod environment in the same...
In case you have a small application where development, test and maybe also production environment are on the same database and your applications in this environment distinguish only by the application...
View Article#nextGENTrip18 a Twitter story
I would like to give you a feeling about our #NextGEN community activities by showing you a collection of tweets at the latest event which we participated:The #ApexDay2018 in Stockholm at the SWEOUGWe...
View ArticleConfigure the SQL Developer on Mac OS X for AWS Cloud access
I have struggled a while now to correctly configure my Mac so that I can access an Oracle database in the AWS cloud.Got a couple of strange connection errors:I/O-Fehler: General SSLEngine...
View ArticleFlagge zeigen - IT gegen Rechts
Ich habe lange gezögert und überlegt… Es ist aber Zeit! Zeit mich zu positionieren, damit jedem klar ist, für welche Form von IT ich stehe. In Zeiten wie diesen ist es nicht mehr möglich, sich einfach...
View ArticleAPEX client side error messages - apex.message.showErrors
Since APEX 5.1 we have the ability to create client side messages without the requirement to use a plugin or custom code to create nice looking client side messages.For that requirement the APEX team...
View ArticleEine verrückte Zeit endet...
Hallo zusammen,ich habe leider eine schlechte Nachricht zu verkünden. Ich trete als Leitungskraft innerhalb der DOAG NextGen-Community zurück. Das kommt leider nicht nur für euch überraschend, und...
View ArticleInteractive Grid - Column stretching
Since APEX 18.1 you can define the stretch behavior per column. You can choose between 3 different options:Use Report SettingThe column will use the Stretch Report Setting set by the End User to define...
View ArticleModal Dialogs Part 1 - Intro
In this 5 part series of blog posts I will share my understanding of how you can open modal dialogs with dynamic values.First of all: Why would you need that?There are particular business cases where...
View ArticleDer Fahrplan bis zur APEX Connect 2019
Im Mai 2017 hatte ich euch gefragt worauf ihr euch am meisten freut was die damals anstehende APEX Connect betraf.Nun schreiben wir das Jahr 2019 und bis zur Connect stehen noch einige Events vor der...
View ArticleAnd the APEX Coin goes to...
And the APEX Coin goes to...Before I tell you.. Here is the story behind it!Adrian Png is a Senior APEX developer and he is doing a lot of things for the APEX Community. For that reason he earned the...
View ArticleDie inoffizielle APEX Connect Agenda
Noch etwas mehr als einen Monat bis zur APEX Connect 2019 und so langsam steigt bei allen die Vorfreude. Dieses Jahr wird es neben dem voll gepackten offiziellen Programmplan auch die ein oder andere...
View ArticleInteractive Grid: After Update Trigger
If you want to run a process after the "Interactive Grid" successfully updated all rows you can achieve this with a dynamic action. This can be necessary if you need to update certain columns...
View ArticleInteractive Grid: Validation - Check for duplicated column entries over all rows
I had this situation now a few times and was always to lazy to write it down. :/During my last task within the fabe project I hat to create a validation to check for duplicated entries inside an...
View ArticleutPLSQL - Example Package
A few months ago I got an awesome task to do inside the fabe project:"Create an utPLSQL test package for the app authentication package"Well, I never used utPLSQL before and (due to some hangovers at...
View ArticleAPEX CONNECT 2020 [ONLINE]
You may already noticed..Anyway I'm glad to remind you that next week a full two day APEX online conference will be held:APEX CONNECT 2020 [ONLINE]We will have three parallel tracks divided in...
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