I would like to give you a feeling about our #NextGEN community activities by showing you a collection of tweets at the latest event which we participated:
We have been 12 IT enthusiast from different places and different life circumstances.
- 6 women and 6 men
- 5 students and 5 employees and 2 freelancer
- 9 Oracle specialists and 7 of them working primary with APEX
Get everyone further engaged in #NextGEN activities and inspire new IT enthusiasts to join our community/activities/events.
Website: https://www.doag.org/de/nextgen/nextgen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doagnextgen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doagnextgen
You came this far... That can only mean that you want to join us.
We have a Slack channel where we organize new events and help each other on different topics. Especially APEX newcomer get a lot of support. Slack channel communication is in German. If you want to join then just write us an email: nextgen@doag.org
The #ApexDay2018 in Stockholm at the SWEOUG

- 6 women and 6 men
- 5 students and 5 employees and 2 freelancer
- 9 Oracle specialists and 7 of them working primary with APEX
Follow DOAG #NextGEN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doagnextgen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doagnextgen
The Twitter story
@DoagNextGen is doing it again!— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 14, 2018
Save the date 24.08. and feel the #orclapex spirit on Twitter.
More details will follow...#SweougApex18#NextGENTrip18pic.twitter.com/NI3a0Ezj81
3 days left... Have you prepared your timer yet? ⌛️— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 20, 2018
Follow us: @LottiProeller@gassenmj@CaroHagi@WinkelsJan@Annika_Hoeppner@tobias_arnhold@louisaneumann2@dgroppuso@steffidick@aliriza_catak@Vicy68295937@RonnyRosenkohl#NextGENTrip18#SweougApex18#ApexDay18#orclapex
Last preparations for our #NextGENTrip18 presentation at #SweougApex18 (#ApexDay18).@tobias_arnhold@dgroppuso@Annika_Hoeppner@RonnyRosenkohl will talk about and show their first #orclapex projects. #nextGENrockspic.twitter.com/iTrEQ5ciZI— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 22, 2018
First #NextGENTrip18 attendees are heading towards the #Berlin airport.— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 23, 2018
Fact: We have 6 women and 6 men going to #Stockholm.
Save travels everyone...#wit#it#community#ApexDay18#orclapex#nextGENrocks
läuft. Flight is delayed buuut.... pic.twitter.com/0PRoEWyEjN— Jonas Gassenmeyer (@gassenmj) August 23, 2018
We arrived in #Stockholm and now driving 🚄 towards the hotel. #NextGENTrip18 started...— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 23, 2018
Only @CaroHagi is missing. 🙈#nextGENrockspic.twitter.com/ueUjgugt9X
This night will be fucking awesome. 🤣 @RonnyRosenkohl and me and this bed. #nextGENrocks#NextGENTrip18pic.twitter.com/cfaMlvkF0u— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 23, 2018
@louisaneumann2 and I also have a nice view here in #stockholm#NextGENTrip18🚢 pic.twitter.com/PEkrfEBvJF— Carolin Hagemann (@CaroHagi) August 24, 2018
#nextGEN is ready for the #ApexDay18! @mathiasmag@dan_ekb@oracleapex we are on our way!#NextGENTrip18#nextGENrocks#orclapexpic.twitter.com/WGbIXNNqPl— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 24, 2018
— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 24, 2018
@mathiasmag kicking off the @sweoug#orclapex day in Stockholm. #ApexDay2018pic.twitter.com/zDVvf4dYbx— Carsten Czarski (@cczarski) August 24, 2018
"Latency hiding - a beerdrinkers perspective" without slides. This is great! @sweoug#APEXday2018#NextGENTrip18@DoagNextGenpic.twitter.com/nWgrDwv1WZ— Ronny Rosenkohl (@RonnyRosenkohl) August 24, 2018
@cczarski is recommending everyone to use #twitter to stay up to date about the latest #orclapex news. By the way you also get a nice impression about our #community activities all over the world.#ApexDay2018#NextGENTrip18pic.twitter.com/v6YmTOzNsR— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 24, 2018
@DoagNextGen crowd is awesome. @aliriza_catak is working hard on our #NextGENTrip18 movie. #orclapex#ApexDay2018pic.twitter.com/u4fVxjus1n— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 24, 2018
Great group showing up for #ApexDay2018. Too many to fit on a picture even. #orclapexpic.twitter.com/fM202JlsqX— Mathias Magnusson (@mathiasmag) August 24, 2018
#nextGEN team from Germany showing up at #APEXday2018 in full force dressed in Swedish colors. The picture shows less than half of the delegates from @DoagNextGen. #orclapexpic.twitter.com/evywtcjNfr— Mathias Magnusson (@mathiasmag) August 24, 2018
@tobias_arnhold talking about his very first #orclapex project @sweoug#ApexDay2018pic.twitter.com/ONSi8AyvX4— Carsten Czarski (@cczarski) August 24, 2018
Fascinating presentation by @tobias_arnhold and the @DoagNextGen group on their first ever #orclapex apps!— Shakeeb Rahman (@shakeeb) August 24, 2018
It’s incredible to see such excitement and enthusiasm in @OracleDatabase and @OracleAPEX from students and young developers.#APEXday2018#NextGENTrip18@sweougpic.twitter.com/bzEUH4gPIe
Short break but soon we will go into the second half of the #ApexDay2018— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 24, 2018
@DoagNextGen #NextGENTrip18pic.twitter.com/MgCaIHKvsM
Mathias explains how to secure a select list by developing a #orclapex plugin.#apexday2018#NextGENTrip18— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 24, 2018
@mathiasmag pic.twitter.com/1wQcUzicNB
SDO_GEOMETRY is the moment when people fall into sleep. No why? 😱 It is great and necessary working with spatial data. 😅#ApexDay2018#nextGENTrip18pic.twitter.com/dzKwR6n9DD— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 24, 2018
Best presentation by @shakeeb I have seen so far! Just awesome! #orclapex— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) August 24, 2018
What will happen If I see him in 3 years again? #VirtualReality#nextlevel✅
Great #ApexDay2018 !!!#nextGENTrip18pic.twitter.com/2391abL290
The @OracleAPEX Nordic Tour 2018 concludes in stunning Stockholm with an incredible turnout for the second annual #orclapex day.— Shakeeb Rahman (@shakeeb) August 24, 2018
Thanks to @sweoug, @mathiasmag and @dan_ekb for making this brilliantly organized event possible!#APEXday2018#bringitin#LetsWreckThisTogetherpic.twitter.com/caXKuXJV8f
@mathiasmag@sweoug— Ali-Riza Catak (@aliriza_catak) August 24, 2018
I just want to thank everyone for this amazing day and the organisation! 👍 #Apexday18#orclapex#Stockholm#Students#studentsuccess#studentspower#PositiveVibes#happy@DoagNextGen@DOAGeV@Oracle_DE@Oracle@shakeeb@cczarskipic.twitter.com/qpwVL9zWmF
Greetings from the other terminal! Thanks @sweoug for having us at your #APEXday2018#NextGENTrip18pic.twitter.com/F1WYPSrkBF— Ronny Rosenkohl (@RonnyRosenkohl) August 24, 2018
— Vicy (@Vicy68295937) August 24, 2018
5 reasons why
— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 24, 2018
2/5 reasons why the #NextGENTrip18 is awesome: Because Sweden has got a new road sign. Take care for this new technology. @sweoug#ApexDay18#orclapexpic.twitter.com/1ylL5oPfWW— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 24, 2018
3/5 reasons why the #NextGENTrip18 was awesome: Because @tobias_arnhold and @RonnyRosenkohl have been there and participated - they had to come back! pic.twitter.com/eJ4DZ61JEn— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 25, 2018
4/5 reasons why the #NextGENTrip18 was awesome: Best music, best köttbullar, maybe even soon the best #orclapex developers? pic.twitter.com/fUVqxsiCXs— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 25, 2018
5/5 reasons why the #NextGENTrip18 was awesome: Because the #communitySpirit of the #orclapex community knows no borders 💪🏻— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 26, 2018
Thank you very much for reading this series. Also a special thanks to @sweoug for this trip.
We want to thank @sweoug and @DOAGeV and all #sponsors to be able to be here and show the outside world what #oracle#community really means.— DOAG NextGen (@DoagNextGen) August 24, 2018
Community at it’s best.#ApexDay2018#NextGENTrip18@oracleapex@Oraclepic.twitter.com/2iG2TzMFUd
You came this far... That can only mean that you want to join us.
We have a Slack channel where we organize new events and help each other on different topics. Especially APEX newcomer get a lot of support. Slack channel communication is in German. If you want to join then just write us an email: nextgen@doag.org