Resetting an Interactive Report (IR) can be done in 4 different ways.
User Reset, URL Link, Page Process, Dynamic Action
First of all
It is always a good start to set up a specific static report id.
1. User Reset
Not much to say.
1. URL Link
Cache definition:
- RIR: reset IR to primary report
- CIR: reset IR to primary report but with custom columns
- RP: reset IR pagination.
More details about the difference of RIR and CIR can be found here:
Apex Interactive Report: The difference between CIR and RIR
Basically all you need to know about the URL options in an IR can be found in the documentation:
Application Express Application Builder User's Guide
Also be aware that you can use several IR since APEX 5 on one page. Filters must now be applied in a specific syntax:
IR[region static ID]_
2. Page Process (Before Header)
3. Dynamic Action
Create a new Dynamic Action.
Add a TRUE action of type "Execute PL/SQL code" and use the same code as above.
And finally add another TRUE action to refresh the IR.
If you still need more information then take a look here:
Reset an Interactive Report (IR)
User Reset, URL Link, Page Process, Dynamic Action
First of all
It is always a good start to set up a specific static report id.
1. User Reset
Not much to say.
1. URL Link
Cache definition:
- RIR: reset IR to primary report
- CIR: reset IR to primary report but with custom columns
- RP: reset IR pagination.
More details about the difference of RIR and CIR can be found here:
Apex Interactive Report: The difference between CIR and RIR
Basically all you need to know about the URL options in an IR can be found in the documentation:
Application Express Application Builder User's Guide
Also be aware that you can use several IR since APEX 5 on one page. Filters must now be applied in a specific syntax:
IR[region static ID]
2. Page Process (Before Header)
SELECT region_id INTO v_region_id
WHERE application_id = :APP_ID
AND page_id = 1
AND static_id = 'IR_RO_REPORT_ID'; -- Static ID of your IR
P_page_id => 1,
P_region_id => v_region_id,
P_report_id => NULL
3. Dynamic Action
Create a new Dynamic Action.
Add a TRUE action of type "Execute PL/SQL code" and use the same code as above.
And finally add another TRUE action to refresh the IR.
If you still need more information then take a look here:
Reset an Interactive Report (IR)