*ROOT | |
**APEX_WORKSPACES | Available Application Express (APEX) workspaces |
****APEX_WS_DATA_GRID | Websheet Data Grid definition |
*****APEX_WS_DATA_GRID_COL | Report column definitions for Websheet Data Grid columns |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_UI_TYPES | The UI Types identify the available user interface types of a workspace |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_SQL_SCRIPTS | Identifies SQL Scripts used to execute SQL and PL/SQL commands |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_SESSIONS | Application Express (APEX) sessions by workspace and APEX user |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_SCHEMAS | Database Schemas mapped to APEX workspaces |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_GROUP_USERS | Application Express (APEX) users and groups relationship |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_GROUPS | Application Express (APEX) users and groups relationship |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_FILES | Identifies uploaded files belonging to the workspace in the modplsql or EPG documents table |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_DEVELOPERS | Application Express (APEX) developers, APEX users with privilege to develop applications |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_CLICKS | Clicks in Application Express that are tracked by using APEX_UTIL.COUNT_CLICKS |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_APEX_USERS | Application Express (APEX) users |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_ACTIVITY_LOG | Page view activity log detail. One row is logged for each page view for application with logging enabled. |
****APEX_WORKSPACE_LOG_SUMMARY_USR | Page view activity log summarized by user for the last two weeks |
****APEX_WORKSPACE_LOG_SUMMARY | Page view activity log summarized by application for the last 14 days |
****APEX_WORKSPACE_LOG_ARCHIVE | Page view activity is a daily summary of workspace acitivity that is retained until physically purged |
***APEX_WORKSPACE_ACCESS_LOG | One row is logged for each login attempt. |
***APEX_TEAM_TODOS | Items that need to get done - i.e. to dos. |
***APEX_TEAM_MILESTONES | Identifies bugs, also known as software defects. |
***APEX_TEAM_FEEDBACK | Identifies user feedback. |
****APEX_TEAM_FEEDBACK_FOLLOWUP | Identifies user feedback followup. |
***APEX_TEAM_FEATURES | Items that need to get done - i.e. to dos. |
***APEX_TEAM_BUGS | Identifies bugs, also known as software defects. |
***APEX_APPLICATIONS | Applications defined in the current workspace or database user. |
****APEX_APPL_PLUGIN_SETTINGS | Stores the values of custom attribute of scope "application" of a plug-in. |
****APEX_APPL_PLUGINS | Stores the meta data for the plug-ins of an application. |
*****APEX_APPL_PLUGIN_FILES | Stores the files like CSS, images, javascript files, ... of a plug-in. |
*****APEX_APPL_PLUGIN_EVENTS | Stores which events can be triggered by this plug-in. This events are used for binding dynamic actions. |
*****APEX_APPL_PLUGIN_ATTRIBUTES | Stores the meta data for the dynamic attributes of a plug-in. |
******APEX_APPL_PLUGIN_ATTR_VALUES | Stores the possible values of a plug-in attribute if it's of type selectlist. |
****APEX_APPL_LOAD_TABLE_RULES | Identifies a collection of transformation rules that are to be used on the load tables. |
****APEX_APPL_LOAD_TABLE_LOOKUPS | Identifies a the collection of key lookups of the data loading tables |
****APEX_APPL_LOAD_TABLES | Identifies a named collection of Application Data loding tables which are used to store the metadata information of the data loading tables |
****APEX_APPLICATION_WEB_SERVICES | Web Services referenceable from this Application |
****APEX_APPLICATION_TREES | Identifies a tree control which can be referenced and displayed by creating a region with a source of this tree |
****APEX_APPLICATION_TRANS_REPOS | Repository of translation strings. These are populated from the translation seeding process. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_TRANS_MAP | Application Groups defined per workspace. Applications can be associated with an application group. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_TRANS_DYNAMIC | Application dynamic translations. These are created in the Translation section of Shared Components, and referenced at runtime via the function APEX_LANG.LANG. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_TRANSLATIONS | Identifies message primary language text and translated text |
****APEX_APPLICATION_THEMES | Identifies a named collection of Templates |
*****APEX_APPL_THEME_DISPLAY_POINTS | The Theme Display Points identify the available display points in page and region templates |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_THEME_STYLES | The Theme Style identifies the CSS file URLs which should be used for a theme |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_REPORT | Identifies the HTML template markup used to render a Report Headings and Rows |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_REGION | Identifies a regions HTML template display attributes |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_POPUPLOV | Identifies the HTML template markup and some functionality of all Popup List of Values controls for this application |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_PAGE | The Page Template which identifies the HTML used to organized and render a page content |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_LIST | Identifies HTML template markup used to render a List with List Elements |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_LABEL | Identifies a Page Item Label HTML template display attributes |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_CALENDAR | Identifies the HTML template markup used to display a Calendar |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_BUTTON | Identifies the HTML template markup used to display a Button |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMP_BC | Identifies the HTML template markup used to render a Breadcrumb |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_TEMPLATES | Identifies reference counts for templates of all types |
****APEX_APPLICATION_TABS | Identifies a set of tabs collected into tab sets which are associated with a Standard Tab Entry |
****APEX_APPLICATION_SUPP_OBJECTS | Identifies the Supporting Object installation messages |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_SUPP_OBJ_SCR | Identifies the Supporting Object installation SQL Scripts |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_SUPP_OBJ_CHCK | Identifies the Supporting Object pre-installation checks to ensure the database is compatible with the objects to be installed |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_SUPP_OBJ_BOPT | Identifies the Application Build Options that will be exposed to the Supporting Object installation |
****APEX_APPLICATION_SUBSTITUTIONS | Application level definitions of substitution strings. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_SHORTCUTS | Identifies Application Shortcuts which can be referenced "MY_SHORTCUT" syntax |
****APEX_APPLICATION_PROCESSES | Identifies Application Processes which can run for every page, on login or upon demand |
****APEX_APPLICATION_PARENT_TABS | Identifies a collection of tabs called a Tab Set. Each tab is part of a tab set and can be current for one or more pages. Each tab can also have a corresponding Parent Tab if two levels of Tabs are defined. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES | A Page definition is the basic building block of page. Page components including regions, items, buttons, computations, branches, validations, and processes further define the definition of a page. |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_VAL | Identifies Validations associated with an Application Page |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS | Identifies a content container associated with a Page and displayed within a position defined by the Page Template |
******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_TREES | Identifies a tree control which can be referenced and displayed by creating a region with a source of this tree |
******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_RPT | Printing attributes for regions that are reports |
*******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_RPT_COLS | Report column definitions used for report regions |
******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_ITEMS | Identifies Page Items which are used to render HTML form content. Items automatically maintain session state which can be accessed using bind variables or substitution stings. |
******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_FLASH_CH | Identifies a Flash chart associated with a Page and Region |
*******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_FLASH_S | Identifies the Flash chart series which comprise a Flash chart |
******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_FLASH5 | Identifies a Flash chart 5 chart associated with a Page and Region |
*******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_FLASH5_S | Identifies the Flash chart series which comprise a Flash chart |
******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_BUTTONS | Identifies buttons associated with a Page and Region |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_PROC | Identifies SQL or PL/SQL processing associated with a page |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_MAP | Identifies the full breadcrumb path for each page with a breadcrumb entry |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_GROUPS | Identifies page groups |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_DB_ITEMS | Identifies Page Items which are associated with Database Table Columns. This view represents a subset of the items in the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_ITEMS view. |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_DA | Identifies Dynamic Actions associated with a Page |
******APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_DA_ACTS | Identifies the Actions of a Dynamic Action associated with a Page |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_COMP | Identifies the computation of Item Session State |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_BRANCHES | Identifies branch processing associated with a page. A branch is a directive to navigate to a page or URL which is run at the conclusion of page accept processing. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_NAV_BAR | Identifies navigation bar entries displayed on pages that use a Page Template that include a #NAVIGATION_BAR# substitution string |
****APEX_APPLICATION_LOVS | Identifies a shared list of values that can be referenced by a Page Item or Report Column |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_LOV_ENTRIES | Identifies the List of Values Entries which comprise a shared List of Values |
****APEX_APPLICATION_LISTS | Identifies a named collection of Application List Entries which can be included on any page using a region of type List. Display attributes are controlled using a List Template. |
*****APEX_APPLICATION_LIST_ENTRIES | Identifies the List Entries which define a List. List Entries can be hierarchical or flat. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_ITEMS | Identifies Application Items used to maintain session state that are not associated with a page |
****APEX_APPLICATION_GROUPS | Application Groups defined per workspace. Applications can be associated with an application group. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_COMPUTATIONS | Identifies Application Computations which can run for every page or on login |
****APEX_APPLICATION_CACHING | Applications defined in the current workspace or database user. |
****APEX_APPLICATION_BUILD_OPTIONS | Identifies Build Options available to an application |
****APEX_APPLICATION_BREADCRUMBS | Identifies the definition of a collection of Breadcrumb Entries which are used to identify a page Hierarchy |
****APEX_APPLICATION_BC_ENTRIES | Identifies Breadcrumb Entries which map to a Page and identify a pages parent |
****APEX_APPLICATION_AUTHORIZATION | Identifies Authorization Schemes which can be applied at the application, page or component level |
****APEX_APPLICATION_AUTH | Identifies the available Authentication Schemes defined for an Application |
****APEX_APPLICATION_ALL_AUTH | All authorization schemes for all components by Application |
**APEX_UI_DEFAULTS_TABLES | The User Interface Defaults for the tables within this schema. Used by the wizards when generating applications. |
**APEX_UI_DEFAULTS_LOV_DATA | If you create a form, report, or tabular form that includes this column and if the appropriate Display As Type is set to use a list of values (Radio Group or Select List) then a Named List of Values will be created within the application and will be referenced by the resulting item or report column. |
**APEX_UI_DEFAULTS_GROUPS | The User Interface Defaults for the groups within the tables in this schema. Used by the wizards when generating applications. |
**APEX_UI_DEFAULTS_COLUMNS | The User Interface Defaults for the columns within this schema. |
**APEX_UI_DEFAULTS_ATTR_DICT | The Attribute Dictionary is specific to a workspace. It is part of User Interface Defaults and can be used in report and form creation. |
**APEX_THEMES | List of APEX built-in, public and workspace themes |
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