Working with XML files and APEX - Part 3: Detail elements in a row with OUTER...
After I described how to successfully import XML files into an APEX application and gave some basic information about the analyzing of xml data. It's time for another example. This time we want to get...
View ArticleCalculate all unique combinations of one list (cartesian product)
A couple of days ago a had a task to combine a list with itself. The result should be a two column report of each possible combination.What should not be part of the result: - same element combinations...
View ArticleOracle SQL regular expression - check for numbers or special characters
We all know the regular expression syntax is fast and you can do amazing things with little code snippets. But we do know as well that whenever you need it then you have no idea how to write it down....
View ArticleWorking with disabled textfields
In APEX you have the possibility to disable text fields. Unfortunatelly you can not submit those fields after the value was changed by a dynamic action or some javascript code.Out of a security point...
View ArticleAPEX ist überall
Obwohl APEX 5 noch nicht erschienen ist, ist die APEX Community aktiver denn je.Hiermal eine Überischt der letzten Aktivitäten:Frankfurt - 23.02.2015 Viele Grüße vom #orclapex#meetup Frankfurt!...
View ArticleCookie Applikation
Ich habe in den letzten Tagen an einer Mini-Anwendung gearbeitet: "Cookie Applikation".Hintergrund:Die Verwendung von Cookies in APEX ist nicht kompliziert, ist aber ohne die passenden Beispiele etwas...
View ArticleDATE - First and Last day of a month
Simple task and simple solution: -- First day: select TRUNC(sysdate,'MON') as first_day from dual-- Alternative:select TO_DATE('01.'||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM.YYYY'),'DD.MM.YYYY') as first_day from dual--...
View ArticleTabular Form - Regular Expression Validation
A simple example how to check a tabular form column to be numeric with a max length of 2.Use a regular expression validation:Another example in checking only the length (length max 20 character):
View ArticleCustom CSV Export in APEX
Sometimes the standard export doesn't fit your requirements. For example you do not want the double apostrophe ".In those cases take a look at these...
View ArticleTabular Form, Dynamic Action und Neue Zeile
Einige von euch haben bestimmt schon die ein oder andere jQuery Codezeile in einem Tabular Form verwendet.Das Ganze funktioniert recht zuverlässig solange der Button "Neue Zeile" nicht verwendet wird....
View ArticleAPEX Anwendung importen und exportieren mit Hilfe des SQL Developers
Wussten Sie das der Oracle SQL Developer eine sehr gute APEX Integration bietet? Ich möchte dies Anhand der Import und Export Fähigkeit näher demonstrieren.Im SQL Developer gibt es im Navigationsmenü...
View ArticleTwitter und der Oracle SQL Developer
Der Oracle SQL Developer hat eine kurze und bewegte Geschichte hinter sich. Aus meiner persönlichen Sicht ist die Software inzwischen wirklich gereift, läuft performant und wirkt immer noch nicht...
View ArticleAPEX 4.2.5 Tabular Form - Komischer Bug
In einem meiner Projekte habe ich etwas intensiver auf Tabular Forms gesetzt.In gewissen Konstellationen habe ich immer wieder folgende Meldung nach einem Validierungsfehler erhalten:Aktuelle Daten für...
View ArticleAPEX 5 EA Impressions: Custom jQuery / jQuery UI implementations
Next days / weeks I will post from my experiences with the new APEX 5 EA. Today I will show a common mistake in current APEX applications. Because APEX 4 has not the newest versions of jQuery or jQuery...
View ArticleAPEX 5 EA Impressions: Little visual changes
This time I will show you the small changes which will appear in every migrated APEX application.For the better understanding I show you an old and a new example (all tested with Mac and Firefox):Date...
View ArticleAPEX 5 EA Impressions: Pager Designer (Part 1)
The development with the new page designer feels different.Before you can say if it is good or not. You will have to make a whole APEX project and force yourself to only use the new "Page Designer"...
View ArticleAPEX 5 EA Impressions: Page Designer (Part 2)
In part 2 I want to show you a nice collection of valuable information about the new "Page Designer"First link will lead to a great presentation from Scott Wesley (Nov 2014). It is a "must have" if you...
View ArticleAPEX 5 EA Impressions: Page Designer (Part 3)
I think one part of the "Page Designer" is quite unfamiliar even to experienced APEX developers.It is the "Grid Layout". Even I still struggle getting used to this new feature.For that I will give you...
View ArticleOracle SQL: Calculate the amount of workdays (Mon-Fri) between two dates
I searched the net for a problem in finding a way to calculate the workdays between two date values. After I tested a couple of solutions I focused to one where I didn't necessarily need a extra select...
View ArticleAPEX 5 & Hackathon der Deutschen Bahn in Frankfurt
Wir alle wissen wie schnell es möglich ist mit Hilfe von Oracle APEX professionelle Anwendungen zu bauen. Nun wird es Zeit das Ganze in einer Challenge zu beweisen.Die Deutsche Bahn veranstaltet am 20....
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