Easy table export to XLS (based on HTML)
There is a quite easy way to generate nice looking Excel files based on your APEX reports. It doesn't require any special printing engine and should work even with Excel 2003.It supports all kind of...
View ArticleTabular Form - Validation issue
I'm currently have some questions about TABULAR FORM validations. I my questions inside the APEX forum: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2407939Questions:1. I only want that a...
View ArticleFirst release of the PL-jrxml2pdf - Generate iReport PDFs with PL/SQL only
A while ago I wrote about and development idea creating iReport (Jasper Report) PDF-files directly inside APEX (PL/SQL).Andreas Weiden the brain and developer behind this project finally released the...
View ArticleGetting APEX views
There is a easy way getting all APEX views just with a simple select: select apex_view_name, commentsfrom apex_dictionarywhere column_id = 0order by 1;select LPAD (' ', (LEVEL - 1) * 2) ||...
View ArticleIR Bug after import of an application with new id
Today I discovered a really cruel bug in APEX.We migrated an APEX 4.0 application into a new workspace with APEX 4.1.The application got a new application id. The application used a lot of interactive...
View ArticleNeue Version des SQL Developers (3.2)
Es gibt eine neue Version des Oracle SQL Developers:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.htmlNeben vielen Bugfixes und Usability Erweiterungen, wurde auch...
View ArticleAPEX Tabular Forms mit Before Insert Trigger
In vielen meiner Projekte nutze ich Tabular Forms. Bei Standardspalten wie "geändert am" oder "geändert von" ist es leider nicht ohne weiteres möglich das SYSDATE und den APP_USER mitzugeben.Der Grund...
View ArticleOpen Source HTML/JS Charting Solutions
APEX 4.2 will include the new "AnyChart Data Visualization Solution" based on HTML5. But in case you can't wait for it or search for an alternative then here are some free solutions to play with:...
View ArticleBalken Chart (Progress Bar) - Hidden Feature
Viele von euch kennen bestimmt die Balken-Grafik die Ihr innerhalb eines APEX Reports erstellen könnt:Zu diesem Thema gibt es einige sehr gute...
View ArticlePDF Creation with direct print dialog
This solution is based on the usage of Jasper Reports to create PDF reports inside APEX. You may had the requirement to create a PDF document with a direct print dialog but there should be no download...
View ArticleHowTo: Dynamisch berechnete Werte setzen
Wie berechne ich während der Laufzeit neue Werte und aktualisierte anschließend meine APEX Items.Die Lösung für diese Fragestellung ist recht einfach, man nehme eine Dynamic Action nutzt die "Set...
View ArticleCheck-box bug in tabular form
I don't know if this is a environment problem or a general one. Anyway it is mad and took me a long while to find out what it is.Here we go: - I have a tabular form with standard APEX processing. - The...
View ArticleAPEX SIG Event am 26.09
Nicht vergessen am 26.09 findet ein SIG Development Day zum Thema APEX statt. Mein Thema befasst sich mit APEX und Pivot Reports:Aktuell arbeite ich noch an einer passenden Beispielapplikation, damit...
View ArticleUILayout and S3Slider Plugin - Usability Update
After a lot of mails and requests I decided to create an example application and an extended documentation to each of the plugins. It will be published in the next weeks.UILayout for APEX:...
View ArticleHide Interactive Report Column with jQuery
$(".apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA").find("[headers='COLUMN_NAME']").hide();$('#COLUMN_NAME').hide();Why would you need this? In case the end user wants to search for a text and doesn't need the corresponding...
View ArticlePivot Beispielapplikation
Hallo Zusammen,im Zuge der letzten APEX SIG habe ich meine Pivot Anwendung als Packaged App fertiggestellt. Wer noch Interesse an einer Kopie hat, der kann sich gern bei mir melden.Email:...
View ArticlePivot Beispielapplikation ist Online
Ich habe endlich etwas Zeit gefunden die Anwendung online zu bringen. Hier ist der Link:http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=65580Aktuell arbeite ich an einer modifizierten Version. Wer Interesse an...
View ArticleAPEX 4.1 Tabular Form - ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a...
I played a bit with tabular forms on views using an instead of trigger. After following the guide from Christian Rokitta I came really close to what I needed. After I thought I was ready I got the...
View ArticleAPEX 5.0 - Statement Of Direction
A new statement of direction is available for APEX 5.0:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/application-express/apex-sod-087560.html
View ArticleAutomatic language detection bug in APEX 4.2.1
I already posted a forum entry to the topic but no one had answered yet. I think the bug is a real problem so people should know about...
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