You can follow Twitter yourself searching for this hash tag: #apexcompetition
Oracle APEX Tips: APEX Dashboard Competition for English Locale https://t.co/ovtkMuL3Zn#apexcompetition— Trent Schafer (@trentschafer) January 23, 2016
3-part series on building dashboards. 1. 6 Golden Rules to Successful Dashboard Design: https://t.co/LTuHOEKXH3#apexcompetition— Trent Schafer (@trentschafer) January 22, 2016
2. Data Visualisations: https://t.co/SJtf6lkkgk— Trent Schafer (@trentschafer) January 22, 2016
3. An example: https://t.co/bsKj5nox7u— Trent Schafer (@trentschafer) January 22, 2016
for the people looking at creating dashboards with maps, this might be interesting https://t.co/Qq0L36K1QG#orclapex#apexcompetition— Dimitri Gielis (@dgielis) January 21, 2016